We're a team of ideators, validators, venture builders & innovators.
Our team gets things done.

Founder & CEO
Jonathan de Kock
Our CEO brings a unique perspective to our team by utilising his extensive background as a software engineer. Jonathan is responsible for maintainging Inkblot's high level of excellence in the design industry.

Head of Design
Lea Terblanche
With expertise ranging from packaging & print, to product design, she's a true creative force and tasked with managing Inkblot's creative process.

Senior Product Designer
Savanna Pead
Sav's unwavering enthusiasm for crafting captivating user experiences and stunning logos, she harnesses her deep affection for typography and design to work her magic.

Intermediate Product Designer
Skyla Francis
Skyla is our User Experience pro and is responsible for turning ideas into seamless and elegant user experiences.

Finance Manager
Mieke de Lange
Our incredible Finance Manager. She is an incredible asset to the team in all the ways that count.

Talent Manager
Delwin Vermeulen
Delwin is our official people's person in charge of managing the talented members of our team and ensuring that everyone is reaching their goals.

Business Advisor
Gert-Jan van Rooyen
GJ provides a plethora of expert advice gathered from many years of experience in business. He is a master ideator and problem solver.